Tuesday 15 July 2008

End of London

Finally some big industry again! "Stewartby London Brickworks". It feels like an eternity since i last explored anything truly expansive that wasn't an empty asylum. I saw a photographs of Stewartby a few months ago but as we all know that girls loves her photoshop so it was a tad difficult to decide whether it was worth the trip or not.

Fast forward 2 months, the trip to the north had been set and we had a day free to make plans. Stewartby?. Why not. After a quick visit to show Dsankt and Hount the wonders that is west park we exited off the M1 and down towards the village of Stewartby. What an two sided coin of a place to live. Overlooking the 4 massive chimneys and large brickwork buildings must have been a site to be seen, or on the other hand a smoky nightmare of pollution. The brickworks itself only closed down earlier this year (2008) so many of the buildings and equipment still stood as it was last left.

Access couldn't be easier its a simple case of walk in. But to be fair after walking around a thief would have trouble finding anything of value anyway. We aimed to make our way from the back of the complex by the brick stores over towards the main chimneys and soon to be found the railway goods depot.

Stewartby was a treasure chest of industry and construction from the stone catacomb style arched passages under the machines to the large belt rooms, the brickworks had something for everyone including a few trinkets for the eagle eyes adventurer.

We must have spent 4 hours of so just wandering along the raised walkways in many of the kiln and processing buildings before heading over to the railway. Now used to store cargo trains it was previously used for the export of finished brick with one of the conveyor trains rusted into place on one of the tracks.

We eventually called it a day, we still had many miles to travel to our main objective. The trip was on.

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