Tuesday, 29 April 2008

I think i touched a cloud...

The final explore of what was an exhausting weekend. After a brilliant trip this was the perfect way to finish. The building currently stands at 187 meters high, with the crane towering over the building, i am unsure at to the total height probably around 670-700ft but either way its the biggest structure i would have climbed.

As the Sgt had already climbed this building before and adding the fact it was 4am, we said our goodbyes and i headed on solo. Once over the fence i headed towards the building and up. By the time i got to level 25 i was exhausted. I needed to rest, but as i only had 1 hour to be in and out before the builders arrived i pushed on.

Lucky for me there was a gangway across to the crane near the top of the building so i didn't have to climb from scratch which was a welcome change. All was goin
g well until the crane cleared the protection of the roof, then the wind hit.

I'm not the greatest person with heights, yea ill do them but i get the shakes easily so the last 10 levels of so took longer, but i eventually hit the hatch. As i looked up there was a chain across the hatch and i had the sinking feeling it was going to be locked. Luckily it was just wrapped around to stop the hatches banging. With one final push i was on the jib and began to take pictures.

The view was amazing. Although Paris is a fairly low set city, the majority of La Defense is high rise. Much like the city district of London. On the other hand the wind made it almost impossible to get any crisp images as the crane was swaying around like a pendulum. Out of around 45 pictures i only managed to get 8 that were remotely salvageable. If i had more time i would have taken some from the building. Maybe on the next trip.

With time of the essence i headed back down and fast as i could and all was going well, i was almost out until i heard a loud bang and a series of angry sounding French nonsense. I didn't turn around to see if who it was and sprinted for the fence. I vaulted over in one, landing practically face first in a bush the other side and ran off into the night. Job done. Paris, ill see you soon!

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